Trusted Advisors

The concept and role of a “trusted advisor” is straightforward: a trusted advisor always puts the best interest of the client ahead of his or her self-interest. Unfortunately, there are too many cases of people vowing to be a trusted advisor who act in their own self-interest at the expense and detriment of the client. This conflict of interest can be blatant or subtle and involve money or “quid pro quo” sideline agreements concealed from the client.

ExitHigh’s commitment is to serve as your trusted advisor in the truest sense of the term. You are our client. We work for you and only for you. We will be fully transparent in the manner in which we conduct our business and how we are compensated. We typically are paid directly by our clients. In a situation in which we may receive payment or other forms of compensation from another party for work on your behalf, we will disclose the terms of the compensation arrangement upfront. We will hold ourselves to high standards of integrity and fully expect our clients to hold us to these high standards. We will ask for your trust and we will strive through our actions to prove your trust is well placed.

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